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  • Q: I'm new here, what exactly is a Booster?"
    A: A booster - in this case, a Round Rock Band Booster - is a parent/guardian of a student in the Dragon Band or one of our middle school feeder programs. You became a RRBB when your student first chose band in 6th grade!
  • Q: What do Boosters do?
    A: We provide support in the form of volunteer time and money. Both of these aspects are extremely important! Without volunteers, we cannot raise the necessary funds to support the Dragon Band program or provide physical assistance in the form of uniform fittings, truck driving, feeding the band, etc.
  • Q: When/Where do you need my help?
    A: The short answer is now and everywhere! Our volunteer coordinators can help you find your niche so that your time and talents have the greatest impact on our program.
  • Q: Why do we do this?
    A: We do this to support our band students and staff. While they are perfecting their shows, we are behind the scenes raising the funds necessary to provide everything they need. We are also fitting uniforms, ordering meals, driving trucks and chaperoning trips. It is a group effort and we need you to make it happen!
  • Q: Can I have booster funds allocated directly to my student's account?
    A: The IRS prohibits booster clubs from distributing any funds to individual members. Booster clubs funds and events must benefit the group as a whole, not its individual members.
  • Q: What is the 8 Hour Rule?
    A: The 8 Hour Rule is a specific set of guidelines for rehearsals outside the regular school day. Our directors are keenly aware of the rule and work well within the guidelines. Here's the link to the UIL page explaining the rule:
  • Q: Do we REALLY need all this fundraising? Where does the money go?
    A: Yes… we really do! Each year, RRBB donates hundreds of thousands of dollars for things like props for the marching shows, summer band instructors, region master classes, and marching technicians. Funds are also used for Color Guard expenses, new instruments and equipment, and travel expenses like trailer upkeep and insurance costs. We know that fundraising isn’t everyone’s favorite thing… but it truly is necessary to allow our band to maintain the current level of performance and success. Please take a minute to look at just a small sample of what RRBB funds did for our band program last year: Total funds donated to The Dragon Band this year for events, instructors, instruments, scholarships, and general misc. band expenses: $221,584.00! Support for the middle school band programs each year: Cedar Valley - $6,500; Chisholm Trail - $11,500; Walsh - $11,500. Letter jackets for seniors - $4,410 for 67 seniors. Student summer band socials and treats - $822.00 Student instrument lessons, master classes, and summer band instruction including marching techs for all sections - $32,000.00 Student scholarships including senior scholarships and summer band camp scholarships - $13,100. Upkeep and storage on Dragon Band trailer - $2,120.00 Show related expenses including Guard costumes, flags, props, uniform alterations, etc. - $16,915.00 Transportation costs for band competitions, games, Rose Parade - $2,191.00 Guard Costumes, Winter Guard - $5,165.00 Guard Instructors - $45,419.00 Additional Color Guard Support - $19,767.00 Indoor Drumline expenses - $10,460.00 Percussion Instruction - $12,190.00 Instrument replacement costs - $27,525.00
  • Why do I need to attend Everything day?
    This is when all band students fill out important paperwork, purchase needed items, and pay dues for the year. Each section has a different time to go. It's important that we all start off with all the forms, information and sign up's we need to do.
  • How can my student prepare for summer band?
    Have your student start walking around the block and hydrating. Being active outside will help them prepare for the start of marching season.
  • Can we use the black patent dinkles again this year if they still fit?
  • I want to volunteer - how can I help?
    There will be several opportunities for family members to help. Experience is not needed. All families are expected to help out during the marching season. Helping out in the concession stands, being a chaperone, filling water jugs, helping at Bingo, handing out game day meals, and helping with props are all great ways you can help the Dragon band. Sign up genius links will go out to families throughout the season. More info at
  • Why are there so many volunteer needs? Can’t I just do a “buy out” option?
    With an organization our size, there are far too many volunteer needs and we do not offer a “buy out” option because we need EVERYONE’s help with concessions, chaperoning, props, equipment, uniform fittings and washing and much more! Please find your niche and volunteer to help out! We cannot do this without our Dragon Band volunteers.
  • What is the "summer uniform?"
    This is a cooler uniform consisting of a Dragon Band maroon polo, black shorts and a Dragon Band cap that the students will wear until they are all fitted for their official Dragon Band uniforms. It also helps to keep them cooler during the early fall when it’s still so hot outside and at football games! They will wear this uniform for the homecoming parade and a few other events as well.
  • On some of the concession stand dates it has specific sections listed, why?
    This is a fun way for parents to meet other parents in the same section.
  • I can’t help out on the date my section is listed. What should I do?
    No problem. It is okay to sign up for a day that works for you. We are all here to support the band :)
  • Can I come and watch rehearsals?
    Yes! It is fun to bring a lawn chair and park it in front of the band during evening block rehearsals and watch! We just ask that you be respectful of the rehearsal space and remain quiet while spectating. Just remember to follow social media rules here.
  • What is the difference between a game day meal and a competition meal?
    A game day meal is an optional meal that will be offered to all band/color guard students before a football game for a set price. It must be purchased through the Band booster website by a certain date and time. If students don’t want to purchase a game day meal they can bring a sack dinner from home or have a parent drop off food. A competition meal is a meal that you will be selecting at Everything day, and will be given to your student at a marching competition. It is included in the family fees.
  • I LOVE the band & color guard, but I also want to watch the game. What can I do?
    There are two types of football tickets. The first is general admission that you can purchase online from game to game. The second type of ticket is a season ticket. SeasonTickets will be available for purchase starting Aug. 1st (they’re are the seats closest to the band and they have backs). Note: All Tickets are electronic starting in 2022.
  • What is BCOB?
    Band Concession Operating Board. This organization helps organize and deliver all of the sodas and a lot of the snacks that are sold at not only Dragon Stadium but also Kelly Reeves. This organization is comprised of volunteer band parents from EVERY band program in our district. They do a lot of work behind the scenes to make volunteering in the concession stand that much easier!
  • Can I post videos of the band on my social media pages?
    No. We love to see parents and friends out at rehearsals and any time the band performs. Please remember that if you record the Dragon Band (Audio or Video), please DO NOT share those recordings publicly through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or any other social media platform. If you have already shared, we kindly ask that you remove those recordings. Why? I LOVE our show! Because the Dragon Band pays fees to the composers and arrangers who create the show for the right to perform their work. Those rights are pretty narrow in scope, and only apply to public performances by the Dragon Band. When you post a recording of the show, that's technically a publication or broadcast, and could make the Dragon Band liable for financial penalties because the rights agreement doesn't include such publications or broadcasts. We also want to make sure that the band is fairly judged based on their performances and not based on a video a judge may come across online. So keep those recordings for your own personal use. We appreciate your understanding. Go Rock Band!
  • Where can I find dates for rehearsals and all things band for this season?
    Dragon Band - Comprehensive band calendar with all rehearsals, competitions, etc. A great resource year-round. Dragon Band at a Glance - Overview of Dragon Band Events this season. Round Rock Band Boosters- Our band’s booster organization
  • What is "march out?"
    Dragon Band marches in formation from the Band Hall to the Stadium prior to each home game (typically around 6:00pm, depending on start time). This is a great opportunity to cheer on our Dragon Band and get some pictures of your favorites!
  • What are competition patches? Do I need them?
    Every marching event we attend will sell patches available for purchase. Usually the patches have the name of the competition and year (so you buy one each year!). Sometimes there will also be a distinction of “semi-finalist”, “finalist”, etc. At BOA events, you can even buy city patches to place alongside the competition patches (Austin, San Antonio). Many Dragon Band seniors will opt to place these patches on their letterman jacket. Others keep for the memories! Purchasing patches is optional.

Mailing Address:
Round Rock Band Boosters, Inc.
PO Box 666
Round Rock, TX 78680

Band Hall Address:
201 Deepwood Drive
Round Rock, TX 78681


Band photographs courtesy of Henry Huey and parent photographers

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