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Rules and Etiquette for Marching Contests

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

This Fall marks the beginning of the 2023 marching band contest season. This is the most exciting (and BUSY) time of the year for our Dragon Band students and families, but it's worth it! We can't wait to see them on the field doing what they all do so well.

For those of you who are new band parents, and as a reminder for those of us who have been doing this for a while, we wanted to provide these rules as a guideline for marching band contest season. Competition and game days can be overwhelming for our new families and sometimes the little things get overlooked. We're happy to help our new parents feel a little more at ease with the process.

Marching Band Etiquette for Parents and Visitors

These rules apply any time you are watching a band performance, including football games, after football games, exhibitions, and of course contests.

RULE #1: Please leave all noisemakers at home. This is extremely important at all Marching Competitions. They may distract the performers and could even impact a band's score if the judge is unable to hear the music. Cheering and applause are fine during a performance and may be especially appropriate after a solo or when the band or color guard achieves a particularly striking effect. Music judges are almost always outside of the press box near the center of the stadium. If you are sitting directly below this area, please be extremely aware of your noise level throughout our performance and the entire competition.

RULE #2: Please refrain from talking in the stands while ANY band is performing. This is a serious distraction to them and the people around you. Your conversation can wait until a band is not on the field. Remember this is just like a performance at a concert hall. Refraining from conversations during a performance makes it easier for everyone around you to hear what’s coming from the field.

RULE #3: Please turn off (or at least put on vibrate) your cell phone. If you receive a call during a performance, please wait until that performance is over before returning the call

RULE #4: Please don’t get up to leave or come into the stands during a performance. This is especially distracting to the band on the field and those around you. Please do that in between performances. Most competitions will have monitors to prevent exit and entry, but if they don't, please stay put.

RULE #5: EVERY band that takes the field deserves our absolute attention and respect. We applaud every band that takes the field. Remember, those kids have worked just as hard as yours and they deserve it!

RULE #6: Please don’t speak poorly of other bands in the stands, even if you didn’t like their performance. They’ve worked hard on it. Those other parents around you might be the parents or friends of the kids in the band you were just talking about. Always keep a positive attitude regarding EVERY band. Band is a family even in competition. Negative comments can reflect poorly on the entire Dragon Band program.

RULE #7: Please refrain from calling out your student’s name when the Dragon Band takes the field. Instead of drawing attention to one individual (which usually just embarrasses that student), stick to the traditional, “Go Rock! Go Band! GO ROCK BAND!” cheer that will bring attention to the entire ensemble.

RULE #8: No matter where we finish in the standings at the end of the evening, please applaud every band. It’s not about where we place or what trophies we garner; but rather how well the kids performed that day/night on the field.

RULE #9: General information regarding photos and videos:

  • At all BOA competitions, taking photos from the stands is okay. However, they do not permit any tripods. Video and/or audio recording at these events is strictly prohibited and enforced. In fact, as stated in our social media policies, please don't ever post video of our performances. See HERE for why not.

  • At Region/Area UIL competitions, taking photos is allowed. Videos are not expressly prohibited but may be "frowned upon." Having said that, do not post the videos on social media.

  • If you are part of pit crew or podium peeps, do not take photographs or video on the field at any time.

  • At football games, taking photos and videos is absolutely okay! Just don't stand or obstruct the view of others around you and respect social media policies as stated above.

  • IMPORTANT - please do NOT share any video or audio recording of the Varsity Band show. This includes "live streaming" on any social media sites, as they turn into posted videos once the live stream is over.

We want everyone to walk away from the night’s performances saying what a class act the Round Rock High School Dragon Band and Fans are. Our kids are held to incredibly high standards. We should be too!

See you at the games and competitions!

Go Rock! Go Band! GO ROCK BAND!



Mailing Address:
Round Rock Band Boosters, Inc.
PO Box 666
Round Rock, TX 78680

Band Hall Address:
201 Deepwood Drive
Round Rock, TX 78681


Band photographs courtesy of Henry Huey and parent photographers

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